Published on 07/27/2018 10:41 pm
To teachers everywhere. You have heard it a million times:"It takes a village to raise a child." Children need years of favorable influence from many adults to reach their full potential. Teachers are a substantial portion of that positive influence. Teachers leave a lifelong effect on kids , and oftentimes even spend more time with kids then their parents.
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Published on 07/27/2018 10:41 pm
To teachers everywhere. You've heard it a thousand times:"It takes a village to raise a child." Children need years of positive influence from many adults to attain their full potential. Teachers are a substantial part of that positive influence. Teachers leave a lifelong effect on children, and oftentimes even spend more time with kids then their parents. Teachers help children grow into ...
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Published on 07/27/2018 3:06 am
Learning mental math, which is the ability to do math in your head without pen, paper, or finger counting, requires lots and lots of practice. Unfortunately, many kids are just not getting the practice and repetition they want. In 2017, over 50 percent of 4th graders were not proficient in 4th grade Common Core mathematics standards. Slower learners, like those with autism, wind up ...
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Published on 07/27/2018 3:05 am
Unfortunately, many kids are just not getting the practice and repetition they want. In 2017, over 50 percent of 4th graders weren't proficient at 4th grade Common Core mathematics standards. Slower learners, like those with disabilities, end up falling further and further behind.
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Published on 07/22/2018 7:56 pm
Mastering multiplication is a critical milestone for every child, but getting a kid to learn 144 new equations can seem daunting. Don't worry We have collected a list of 7 easy ways to teach multiplication tables to make teaching multiplication and mastering the multiplications tables easy and fun.
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5 Essential Educational Apps for iPad